Monday, 24 November 2014


Directions (1-2): Read the following information and answer the questions.
1. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark in the given expression in order to make the expressions 'J > M' as well as 'N < K' definitely true? 
J ≥ K ? L = M > N 
(1) ≤
(2) <
(3) ≥
(4) =
(5) >

2. In which of the following expressions will the expressions 'D ≥ B' as well as 'C > F' be definitely true? 
(1) A≥ B ≥ C > D = F
(2) A < B ≤ C = D > F
(3) A < B ≤ C ≤ D > F
(4) A < B ≥ C = D > F
(5) None of these

Directions (3-7): Read the following paragraph and answer the questions which follow:

It is true that the green revolution has succeeded in transforming the Indian economy from a situation of severe food shortage into one where the country has not only become self reliant in food production but has also been able to generate a sizable surplus for export.  However, the high doses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which have been used under this conventional farming technology (along with high yielding varieties of seeds and irrigation) are now reversing the trend and causing severe environmental and health hazards, including the contamination of ground water. 

3. Which of the following statements would strengthen the author’s argument?
(1) India faced severe food shortages before the inception of green revolution.
(2) Organic farming i.e. farming without the use of chemical fertilizers makes the food products too expensive at retail level.
(3) Many farmers have reported that the soil in their fields became infertile within five years of switching over to chemical fertilizers.
(4) Farmers not relying on the hybrid and high yielding variety of seeds as propagated by green revolution do not make as much profit as the ones using methods of green revolution.
(5) High yielding varieties of seeds as propagated by green revolution do not require much water for irrigation purposes and are also resistant to pest attacks.

4. Which of the following can be inferred? (An inference is something which is not directly stated but can be inferred from the given facts.)
(1) Many countries have banned use of chemical fertilizers
(2) Green revolution failed miserably to do any good to India’s needs
(3) The negative effects of techniques of green revolution were not anticipated at its inception.
(4) India will never face food shortage again
(5) The main focus of green revolution was to help international fertilizer manufactures sell their products in India.

5. Which of the following statements represents a possible effect of the conventional Green Revolution techniques of farming if it continues in the days to come?
(1) India would never face severe food shortage again in the future.
(2) Export of food products would increase manifold
(3) Only ground water would be used for irrigation purpose
(4) Cases of chemical poisoning would increase substantially
(5) Farmers not following methods of Green Revolution would face severe health hazards

6. The number of cases concerning a non-contagious chemical poisoning is on the rise among the local villagers. Which of the following could possibly be a cause of the statement given above?
(1) The government has ordered an immediate inquiry into the matter.
(2) Unless timely treatment is provided to the patients, the poisoning can prove to be fatal
(3) Many factories surrounding the village do not dispose off their waste appropriately.
(4) The only hospital in the area is not equipped to treat chemical poisoning related ailments.
(5) a study done a couple of years ago had reported that a large number of farmers had stopped using chemical fertilizers owning to –ill effects on health.

7. Many people report that exposure to certain foods such as cheese, red wine, and chocolate, are associated with the onset of migraine headaches. Other people report that exposure to certain smells (especially strong perfumes) seems to trigger a migraine headache, and some note that exposure to bright and flickering lights can be followed by a migraine. It would seem that a person with a tendency to get migraines should try to find which of these situations is associated with the onset of the headache and then avoid this stimulus.

All of the following, if true, would indicate potential problems with the recommendation above except
(1) the time delay between the trigger and the onset of the headache can make it exceptionally difficult to identify the trigger
(2) the presence of a known trigger doesn’t always cause a migraine
(3) in many cases an internal hormonal change triggers a migraine
(4) in a high proportion of cases the patients report multiple triggers for their headaches
(5) most of the known triggers are common and almost unavoidable features of modern life

Directions-(8-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions-

In a certain code 'we are best friends' is written as 'xu zu lu yu' 'we good are player' is written as 'tu yu nu zu', 'friends best good more' is written as 'tu xu du lu' and 'are best own aim' is written as 'pu xu ku zu'.

8. What is the code for 'more'?
(1) tu
(2) xu
(3) du
(4) lu
(5) Cannot be determined

9. What is the code for 'friends'?
(1) lu
(2) xu
(3) du
(4) tu
(5) du or zu

10. Which of the following may represent 'more player are aim'?
(1) nu zu pu ku
(2) ku nu zu yu
(3) du pu ku zu
(4) nu du pu zu
(5) du pu ku xu

11. Which of the following may represent 'own are good player'?
(1) ku tu zu pu
(2) pu du zu nu
(3) xu nu tu ku
(4) tu zu nu xu
(5) tu nu zu ku

Solutions (1-2):
1. (5) The ? should be replaced by >

2. (2) D ≥ B is true in (2) and (3) and among them C > F is true for (2). Hence (2).

3. (3)
Authors main argument is that the use of modern farming technology such as use of chemical fertilizers and pesticide have helped India in green revolution but it also have harmful effects. Only option (3) strengthens this argument.

4. (3)
The passage does not say anything about option (1), (2) or (5). Also nothing is mentioned about future, so we can eliminate (5). Only (3) is which can be inferred from the passage.

5. (4)
Nothing is mentioned about (1), (2), (3) and (5). Only (4) can be the possible effect.

6. (3)
(1) is an effect and not the cause. (2) and (4) are not rational. Study done a couple of years ago should not necessarily apply in present situation. Only (3) can be a suitable cause.

7. (2)
The argument recommends that migraine sufferers should try to find the one trigger for their headaches and then avoid this trigger. This would still be a good plan even if the trigger did not always cause a headache – it is better to be safe than sorry – and so the best answer is (2).


8. (3)

9. (1)

10. (4)

11.  (5)

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